The Crowd Favorite

Jamie Joseph


Designer - Jamie Joseph

It's impossible to exaggerate the impact of one of Jamie and Jeremy Joseph's "power rings." The pure statement of color, the clean shapes of the stones themselves, the way they catch light... we don't know anyone who doesn't lust for one of these beauties in their favorite color.

Jamie Joseph, where stones are the stars, has always been known for exceptional craftsmanship. Jamie's creations, inspired by her travels and the Pacific Northwest landscapes, reflect a commitment to showcasing the raw beauty of each gemstone. From bold statement rings to intricate metal work, the collection captures the essence of organic elegance. With a focus on sustainability, the brand ensures environmentally conscious production processes in their Seattle studio. Jamie Joseph stands as a testament to the fusion of artistry, nature, and ethical craftsmanship, offering individuals timeless pieces that tell a story of authenticity and beauty.