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An Ode to Green Gemstone Jewels (but Mostly Chrysoprase)

If the 2022 edition of the JCK Las Vegas show could be described by only one color, it would be green.

Sure, other hues put forth convincing arguments to be defined as the color of summer (orange and, as always, blue), but green was everywhere at the show. On people’s clothing, their nails, even their hair. In jewelry, from the lush bicolor tourmalines to talk-of-the-town Montana sapphires (which gives off a verdant hue), green really was the color to beat this year.

If you visit any popular fashion site, you’ll find the same. New arrivals on Net-A-Porter, for example, showcase a range of green: a Lanvin cape dress in emerald, an Oscar de la Renta dress in teal, kicky satin mules in mint, Irene Neuwirth chrysoprase earrings. There are shades of avocado and chartreuse, forest and jungle green.

We often spend effort trying to define the colors we see that it’s almost shocking when met with an OG shade. A simple green feels revolutionary, and maybe that’s because it’s taken off with fashion designers in such a way.

You might like to call it lime green, kelly green, or grass, but most fashion brands are simply listing their pieces as “green”—even when labeling other colors with more imaginative names.


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